Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday Greetings From Your Region Officers

Your 2006-2007 Region V Officers wish you a Merry Christmas, and a most prosperous 2007! Enjoy your holidays, and we'll see you at the Region Leadership Conference in January!

-Natalia Rawls, Region Vice President, Perry High School
-Alan Moore, Region Reporter, Hawkinsville High School
-Michael McGhie, Region Secretary, Houston County High School
-Brittany Bryan, Conference Coordinator, Perry High School

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Houston Co. Career & Tech Center Doesn't Waste Any Time Starting the Year

The FBLA chapter at the Houston County Career & Technology Centerhas had a great first semester for this school year.

Since the school is small, (full time enrollment is only 70), members are proud of the fact that they have a membership of 16 this year. HCCTC may be small but they are strong! Members have attended the Fall Motivational Rally, Fall Leadership Conference, and eleven members are planning to attend the Region V Leadership Conference Next Month.

The chapter participated in the March of Dimes Pick-A-Pumpkin service project to raise money to help save babies, and donated a scholarship basket for the Fall Leadership Conference. Members are currently conducting a canned food drive for the Salvation Army, and are working on creating coloring books for the children’s wing at a local hospital.

Some members also are participating in the instruction of an adult computer class held one night a week at the school for members of the community. The chapter has enjoyed a speaker from a local bank who spoke to on the “Importance of Building Good Credit,” and have held a meeting on “Proper Dress for the Interview.”

Members are currently looking forward to their annual FBLA Christmas get-together where they will exchange gifts and enjoy lunch and one another’s fellowship.

The chapter has also elected its 2006-2007 officers. Leading the chapter this year are:
President.....Rebecca Sills
Vice President.....Kayla Kollock
Secretary......Kasey Anderson
Treasurer.....Sarah Sisson
Reporter.......Samantha Marsh
Parliamentarian......Sam Smith
Historian......Dean Lisanby

Merry Christmas from the Houston County Career & Technology Center!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

HCHS Holds "Feed a Family"

In keeping with a theme of helping the local community, members of Houston Co. High FBLA held a "Feed a Family" food drive this year. Collection boxes were placed throughout the schools business education department. Proceeds were donated to the county's Department of Family and Children Services.

Houston County Helps Out the March of Dimes

Recently, the Houston County High School FBLA chapter began a penny war between classes in the school's business education department. In the war, pennies counted for positive points, while all silver coins and greenbacks were negative. Students could place negative coins and bills in the buckets of rival classes, while putting pennies in their own buckets. To date, the chapter has raised over $200 for the March of Dimes.

Great work HCHS!

Region V Winners At FLC 2006

A huge congratulations goes out to Region V schools who were victorious in the various competitive events offered at this year's Fall Leadership Conference! Congratulations on your accomplishments, and keep up the great work!

Invention Convention
Finalists-Houston County High School
Jasper County High School

Members of the 3rd Place Houston County HS Invention Convention Team

Winning chapters will participate in a second round of competition at the State Leadership Conference in March. This segment will include a presentation before a panel of judges.

Honorable Mention-Northside High School, Warner Robins

March of Dimes Monopoly Tournament
Finalists-Baldwin County High School
Houston County High School
Putnam County High School

Finalist chapters will compete in three more rounds at the March State Leadership Conference.

Honorable Mention-Houston County High School
Northside High School, Warner Robins

Congratulations to everyone!!