Sunday, January 07, 2007

Perry High Another Active Chapter This Year

FBLA members at Perry High School are continuing a tradition of excellence and active participation in FBLA activities throughout the year.

Perry High FBLA members continued their active involvement this year by attending the 2006 Georgia FBLA Fall Leadership Conference at the Classic Center of Athens.

Highlights for the conference included: Leadership workshop tracks that focus on development of personal and leadership skills needed by FBLA members and opportunities to interact with other enthusiastic FBLA members and advisers throughout the state.

The conference kicked-off on Friday afternoon with the innovative Invention Convention and the Perry High team consisted of: Brittany Bryan (chapter reporter), Brittany Whitfield (chapter historian) and Kim Burgess (chapter treasurer). The conference also included an excitement-filled MONOPOLY® Tournament to benefit the March of Dimes and Perry High entered two teams to compete in the tournament. Perry High School FBLA was also recognized for placing 3rd in the chapter t-shirt design and each participant received their Leadership Achievement Recognition Certificates.
Perry High School FBLA advisers in attendance were Jean Provitt and Sherry Johnson.

During the month of December 2006, the PHS chapter of FBLA teamed up with the PHS chapters of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and SkillsUSA to collect money and toys for “Toys-for-Tots” Toy Drive to be given to less fortunate children in the community. To help aid in this endeavor, they sponsored an annual Christmas Toys-for-Tots Breakfast to the Advisory Committee members, faculty, staff, and students of PHS. Admission into the breakfast was to bring a new unwrapped toy for a child or money to buy toys. The toys were wrapped by the members of FBLA and FCCLA. The “Toys for Tots” toy drive and the breakfast were a success. Coverage on the Toys-for-Tots Toy Drive appeared on Fox 24-WGXA-TV of Macon on December 14 and 15, 2006.
The PHS chapter of FBLA would like to thank all those who participated to make this annual community service project a success.

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